
the City Board of Education の investigation が で

[Otsu 2 suicide] reconciliation ki ょ う Shen し into れ loss compensation litigation で City side large Tsu で October last year, the Junior High School 2 years の man born believers = the time (13) = ga suicide し た の hai ji め が reasons だ っ た と し て, man apprentice のtael pro ga, Tongji Sheng 3 people と そ の protector, Otsu に about 77,iphone4 ケース ケイトスペード かな.2 million yen の branch Fan い を seeking め た damage compensation request litigation で big Tianjin ground CD で 5th open ka れ る 5 back verbally Benten On で City side が officially に intention to reconciliation のを shows desu ko と が, the City side relationship へ の drawn っ た で wa ka. The City side は す で に third-party investigation committee ga ma と Otsu and め た report を CD に proposed. City は future, report と same 様 causality れ る と responsibility the を the recognized め て い ku と み ら. The City side は May last year の first back verbally Benten On で "negligence は な い" と advocate し た が, the City Board of Education の investigation が で, the more direct the United States Mayor が In July of the same year, "い じ め が あ っ た か ら suicide し た と thinking う"と, met the で Mika qualitative に causality wo recognize め the ru insights を shows し た. Third party appointed そ の を set し The second oral Benten On down "third party appointed の report と Prefecture police の Dissatisfied check を be つ" と し て survivor',7253;s side の advocate へ の recognize whether を reserved し て ki ta. Party, the survivor's side は the City side の reconciliation の Shen し into れ が あ っ た occasions 検 discussion of content を し to で judgment し た い た "と し て い ru.

