

Cypriot lawmakers gear up for deposit levy vote

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Cyprus' president is briefing lawmakers ahead of a crucial parliamentary vote on a controversial levy on bank deposits that the cash-strapped country's creditors have demanded in exchange for a €10 billion ($13 billion) rescue package.

Police cordoned off the road in front of the parliament on Monday amid heightened security to prevent any protesters from approaching the building and interrupting discussions inside.

Many lawmakers have said they would vote down the 6.75 percent levy on all bank deposits under €100,000 and 9.9 percent on everything above. President Nicos Anastasiades has warned that rejection would mean Cyprus' bankruptcy and a possible exit from the euro.

But Cypriot officials are trying to reduce the levy for small savers as much as possible with a corresponding rise for deposits of over €100,000.

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which had been expected later Sunday

Cyprus parliament delays vote on bank deposits tax
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    NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Frightened savers in Cyprus drained ATMs in a bank run, prompting parliament to postpone a crucial vote Sunday on a levy on all bank deposits, a move creditors had demanded in exchange for €10 billion ($13 billion) in rescue money.

    The announcement of the delay set off an immediate scramble among top European financial officials. One lawmaker told The Associated Press that European Central Bank was pressuring Cypriot authorities to hold the vote without delay.

    The stakes are high for the tiny island nation of one million people because a rejection of the one-time tax by lawmakers could send Cyprus into bankruptcy and possibly out of the common euro currency. Officials also fear negative global market reaction on Monday and a run Tuesday on Cypriot banks no matter which way the voting goes. Monday is a national holiday.

    The vote, which had been expected later Sunday, was pushed back to Monday afternoon, parliamentary official Antonis Koutalianos said. President Nicos Anastasiades had personally requested the postponement but no reason was given, state media reported.

    "There are two choices, voting in favor which allows the country to avoid a disorderly bankruptcy, or rejection, which will have us face a disorderly bankruptcy with all that that entails," said Averof Neophytou, deputy chief of the governing Democratic Rally party.

    The president was to address the nation Sunday night.

    The decision by Cyprus' 16 eurozone partners and the International Monetary Fund to impose a one-time tax of 6.75 percent on all deposits under €100,000 ($131,000) and 9.9 percent over that amount was a significant shift. It marks the first time they have dipped into people's savings to finance a bailout — a move that analysts worry may roil international markets and jeopardize Europe's fragile economy.

    The levy is expected to raise €5.8 billion to recapitalize the nation's banks and service the country's debt. Cypriot banks got into trouble after losing some €4.5 billion on their Greek government bond holdings after eurozone leaders decided to write down Greece's debt last year.

    The demand for the levy has enraged Cypriot politicians, who have condemned it as unfair and disastrous, bringing into doubt its approval in the 56-seat parliament. At least 24 lawmakers from the Communist AKEL and the socialist EDEK parties have already said they will vote no. The governing Democratic Rally party and its allies generally control about 30 seats.

    Depositors flocked to ATM machines in Cyprus on Saturday, trying to pull out as much money as they could.

    "It's a lose-lose situation. There will be a huge deposit withdrawal from Cypriot banks with or without a (levy)," said Cyprus Greens lawmaker Giorgos Perdikis. "We should have the courage to make the right decisions that will restore the public's confidence, which was drastically shaken."

    In an opinion poll Sunday nearly three quarters of respondents said Anastasiades and his delegation "failed to secure a good deal" at Friday's eurogroup meeting in Brussels. Some 71 percent also believe that lawmakers should vote down the levy and an equal number believe that if it's approved, it should be amended to leave deposits under €100,000 untouched.

    However, 62 percent still believe that Cyprus should remain in the eurozone. The Insight Market Research University of Nicosia poll used a random sample of 600 adults with an error margin of plus or minus 4 percent.

    The outspoken leader of Cyprus' Orthodox Christian church, Archbishop Chrysostomos II, called the levy the result of "Europeans' meanness," but warned that it would be a mistake to reject the bailout altogether.

    Under the bailout deal, it's not only Cypriot depositors who will take a hit but foreigners as well, including many Russians who are estimated to have some €20 billion ($26.2 billion) sitting in Cypriot banks.

    At their peak, Cypriot banks had assets totaling eight times the country's €17.5 billion economy. Those numbers have prompted accusations from some European countries, primarily Germany, that Cypriot banks serve as money laundering for dirty Russian cash.

    "Now the faith in Cyprus as a place where it is convenient to keep one's money will be undermined," Anatoly Aksakov, president of the Association of Regional Banks of Russia, was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.

    Aksakov also suggested that some of the Russian money now deposited in Cypriot banks will move back to Russia.

    To counterbalance their cash loss, depositors will receive Cypriot bank bonds. Neophytou said there are efforts to back up those bonds — which have little value now — with Cyprus' newfound offshore gas reserves, although extraction is still several years away.

    Archbishop Chrysostomos said Cypriot authorities should instead issue long-term government bonds to depositors which could be redeemed once gas proceeds start rolling into state coffers.

    Meanwhile, Britain's Treasury chief said his government will compensate about 3,500 U.K. troops who will lose money to Cyprus's bailout tax.

    British Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said Sunday the government would compensate troops and civil servants. But those among the 59,000 British residents of Cyprus who not working for the U.K. military or the government could still be out of pocket.


    AP Writer James Heintz in Moscow contributed.

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  • " she said. "I don't feel like going down to the college to take a test I don't need. Yeah

    Colleges track former students to boost degrees

    ST. LOUIS (AP) — Carmen Ricotta knows being a college graduate could mean higher pay and better job opportunities, and it's not like St. Louis Community College hasn't been practically begging her to wrap up her two-year degree.

    The school has been calling and emailing the 28-year-old electrician's apprentice to get her to return and complete her final assignment: an exit exam. But life has gotten in the way and Ricotta has been too busy to make the 30-minute trip from her suburban home near Fenton to the downtown St. Louis campus.

    St. Louis Community College is among 60-plus schools in six states taking what seems like an obvious but little-used step to boost college graduation rates: scouring campus databases to track down former students who unknowingly qualify for degrees.

    That effort, known as Project Win-Win, has helped community colleges and four-year schools in Florida, Louisiana, Missouri, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Virginia and Wisconsin find hundreds of ex-students who have either earned enough credits to receive associate degrees or are just a few classes shy of getting them.

    Backed by financial support from the Indianapolis-based Lumina Foundation for Education, the pilot project began several years ago with 35 colleges in six states. As it winds down, some participating schools plan to continue the effort on their own.

    Ricotta said at this point, she's not sure if getting her two-year degree is all that necessary.

    "It's a pain," she said. "I don't feel like going down to the college to take a test I don't need. Yeah, I don't have the degree, but I still took all the classes."

    Her seeming indifference to retroactively obtaining her degree points to just one of the challenges facing two-year schools in particular as they strive to fulfill President Barack Obama's challenge of raising college completion rates to 60 percent by 2020: convincing not just the public, but even some of their students, of the value of an associate's degree.

    At central Missouri's Columbia College, the hunt for students on the verge of graduating worked so well that the school plans to broaden its efforts to find bachelor's degree candidates who are just one class shy of donning the cap and gown. The private liberal arts college has already awarded nearly 300 retroactive degrees, including one given posthumously to the mother of a deceased former student. Another two dozen students returned to campus to finish up after hearing from the school.

    "If this was being done nationwide, it could make a difference," said Tery Donelson, Columbia College's assistant vice president for enrollment management.

    Like his counterparts in St. Louis, Donelson and his team of transcript detectives also encountered skepticism, if not outright disbelief, from some of the prospective degree awardees.

    "If you received a letter saying, 'Congratulations, you've earned a degree,' what would you be thinking?" he said. "That this is a scam. We had to get beyond them.

    "We told them they earned a degree, and all they had to do was acknowledge it," Donelson continued. "We didn't want to send a degree to anybody who didn't want it."

    Participating schools pared down their initial lists by eliminating students who received degrees elsewhere or were currently enrolled. Expired addresses or disconnected phone numbers eliminated many more.

    The Institute for Higher Education Policy, which oversaw the project, initially estimated a potential increase of 25,000 new degrees if its efforts took hold nationwide. But most schools found the exercise more difficult than expected, said Cliff Adelman, a senior associate with the Washington-based policy group.

    "It ain't as easy as you think," he said. "You can't use a magic wand and have this kind of thing happen."

    In Oregon, a review of more than 6,000 students' academic records at the state's 17 community colleges found 109 degree-eligible students and another 905 who might qualify. Virginia's Tidewater Community College awarded 34 degrees and convinced 15 more students to return to campus from its initial pool of 651 prospects.

    Four-year schools could follow the lead of the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, which used the program to connect with dropouts who might still be interested in a two-year diploma. Or they could link up with neighboring community colleges in what are known as "reverse transfer" agreements.

    Those agreements allow students to receive their associate's degrees if they earned enough credits toward them but didn't actually obtain them before heading to a four-year school. The two-year schools, in turn, can boost their completion rates — a critical measure for accrediting agencies and lawmakers looking for results.

    One student happy to hear about what amounts to a free degree is Corey Manuel, 34, an Air Force veteran who expects to receive a bachelor's degree in management information systems from Columbia College. He took his classes at a Denver-area branch campus.

    Manuel said his educational journey includes nearly 200 credits from five different schools, including a one-year stint straight out of high school playing basketball at Missouri Valley College in Marshall, Mo., and a pair of stops at Louisiana State University's community college in Eunice.

    Now an information technology manager at defense contractor Raytheon, Manuel nonetheless still craves the credential he was too busy to pick up along the way.

    "I wanted to make sure I had that box checked," he said.


    Alan Scher Zagier can be reached at http://twitter.com/azagier

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    [Otsu 2 suicide] reconciliation ki ょ う Shen し into れ loss compensation litigation で City side large Tsu で October last year, the Junior High School 2 years の man born believers = the time (13) = ga suicide し た の hai ji め が reasons だ っ た と し て, man apprentice のtael pro ga, Tongji Sheng 3 people と そ の protector, Otsu に about 77,iphone4 ケース ケイトスペード かな.2 million yen の branch Fan い を seeking め た damage compensation request litigation で big Tianjin ground CD で 5th open ka れ る 5 back verbally Benten On で City side が officially に intention to reconciliation のを shows desu ko と が, the City side relationship へ の drawn っ た で wa ka. The City side は す で に third-party investigation committee ga ma と Otsu and め た report を CD に proposed. City は future, report と same 様 causality れ る と responsibility the を the recognized め て い ku と み ら. The City side は May last year の first back verbally Benten On で "negligence は な い" と advocate し た が, the City Board of Education の investigation が で, the more direct the United States Mayor が In July of the same year, "い じ め が あ っ た か ら suicide し た と thinking う"と, met the で Mika qualitative に causality wo recognize め the ru insights を shows し た. Third party appointed そ の を set し The second oral Benten On down "third party appointed の report と Prefecture police の Dissatisfied check を be つ" と し て survivor',7253;s side の advocate へ の recognize whether を reserved し て ki ta. Party, the survivor's side は the City side の reconciliation の Shen し into れ が あ っ た occasions 検 discussion of content を し to で judgment し た い た "と し て い ru.


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    アルジェリア人質事件1カ月 内通者摘発も「支援網」解明難航 首謀者は雲隠れ【カイロ=大内清】アルジェリア南東部イナメナスの天然ガス施設で日本人10人を含む38人が死亡した人質事件で、アルジェリア当局は、内通者や協力者の摘発を進めているが、イスラム過激派への支援ネットワークの規模などは、発生から1カ月を迎えるいまなお分かっていない。首謀者である国際テロ組織アルカーイダ系「イスラム・マグレブ諸国のアルカーイダ組織(AQMI)」のベルモフタール元幹部は雲隠れしたまま。事件に触発される形で各地の過激派が活発化する恐れも強まっている。

     現地メディアの報道を総合すると、当局はこれまでに、犯行グループに施設の地図を渡したなどの疑いで、天然ガス施設の運営に関わる国営炭化水素公社従業員ら13人を逮捕したもようだ。内通者を施設で雇うよう働きかけた地元有力者や、現場案内人がいたとの報道もある,~ 【特集】今、ここにある「バブル」~生かされぬ教訓と性



     マリ情勢に世界の耳目が集まる中、イエメンの有力組織「アラビア半島のアルカーイダ(AQAP)」は仏軍への「ジハード(聖戦)」を宣言。ナイジェリアのボコ・ハラムや、ソマリアのアッシャバーブなどの過激派がマリ北部に流入しているとの指摘もあり、同国がテロの最前線になるとともに、周辺国への出撃基地化する懸念もある。【関連記事】 佐々淳行氏、安倍内閣の危機管理能力は「80点」 「アルカーイダ思想」浸透 マリ、テロ掃討の最前線に 「日本人と『人間の盾』にされた」日揮の比人、体験を詳述 祖父「岸訪米」軌跡たどりて 安倍首相、最大の目的は? 中谷元特命副幹事長 石破、浜田氏と国防「キャンディーボーイズ」構想 石原慎太郎氏独演


    カヤック柳澤代表「クリエティブであることにスピードが含まれる時代になった」(1/2ページ)カヤックの柳澤大輔氏ニコニコニュース(オリジナル) 政治家や起業家、大学教授らが日本の政治経済や文化などについて議論をする会議「G1サミット」が2012年2月10日から12日まで青森県で開催された。開催初日に行われた「ソーシャルとクラウドの衝撃」と題した分科会では、ITベンチャーの起業家たちが議論。ソーシャルゲームなどウェブサービスの開発を手がけるカヤック代表取締役・柳澤大輔氏は、クリエイターの立場から、ブログやSNSなどのソーシャルメディアとクラウドコンピューティングが社会に広く普及したことで「クリエティブであることにスピードが含まれる時代になった」と語った。■SNSは「人々に衝動的な行動を起こす環境を作っている」 ミクシィ、グリー、フェイスブック、エバーノート――,藤原理事は暴力行為などの具体事例は明かさず、「引退した選手、現役選手という立場の差はあるが、1人1人が柔道界の今後を真剣に憂えている」と調査の経過報告を行った。現在の我々の生活に浸透しているブログ・SNS(ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス)などのソーシャルメディア、そしてパソコンや携帯電話など様々な環境から同じデータをインターネット上でやり取りすることが出来るクラウドコンピューティングサービス。分科会では、ソーシャルメディアとクラウドコンピューティングサービスが日常的に利用されている現在を「ソーシャルとクラウド」の時代と捉え、これからのビジネスで求められるものについて議論を交わした。 ドリコム代表取締役社長・内藤裕紀氏は、SNSが「人々に衝動的な行動を起こす環境を作っている」と分析。「フェイスブックを見ていても、パッとリンクを見て(商品を)買ったり、ニュースを閲覧したり、(消費者の)アクションは衝動的に起きている」と現在の日本人の消費行動について語った,3組が出場した日本勢ではキャシー・リード、クリス・リード組。 「クリエティブであることにスピードが含まれる時代になった」 前のページ 1 2 次のページ


    【世界史の遺風(45)】ハンニバル 古代最大の名将の教訓□東大名誉教授 本村凌二 世人はしばしば、ナポレオンが「わが辞書に不可能なる語はない」と言ったという。だが、正確には「不可能というのは愚か者の辞書にだけある言葉だ」と語ったのだ。 ところで、20世紀の2度にわたる大戦は大規模な殺戮(さつりく)をともなう悲惨な戦争であった。これ以前の戦争に目をやれば、1回の会戦で出た戦死者の数で前216年のカンナエ(カンネー)の戦いを上回るものはないと指摘する学者もいる。アルプスを越えてイタリア半島に侵入したカルタゴ軍がローマ軍を完膚なきまでにたたきのめした戦いであり、戦死者7万人といわれる。カルタゴ軍を率いたのは、かのハンニバルである。 カルタゴは現在のチュニス近郊を拠点とするセム語系の海洋国家であった。前3世紀後半、カルタゴはイベリア半島の征服にのりだす。その指導者ハミルカルは勇将としてその卓抜な軍才を畏敬されていた。その最期も、増水した川で部下を助けようとして溺死したから、まさしく英雄だった。このハミルカルの長子がハンニバルである。 彼が26歳で歴史の表舞台に登場したとき、古参兵たちは父ハミルカルが若返って帰ってきたかと思ったという。同じような生き生きとした顔つき、力強いまなざし、顔の輪郭と表情があるのを兵士たちは見逃さなかった。 「危険に立ち向かうとき、こよなく大胆であり、危険の只中(ただなか)にあってもひときわ思慮深かった。どんな艱難(かんなん)にも身体は疲れを知らず、精神はくじけることがなかった。暑さにも寒さにも同じように耐えることができた,フェンディ バック さが。<,983; 前のページ123次のページ >


    セリーヌ ハンカチ AP

    Widow',プラダ discovered;s wish resurrects ',フェンディ バッグ 新作 3/17 <,セリーヌ ハンカチ;Mind the Gap',FENDI マフラー; recording

    LONDON (AP) — A widow's wish to hear her late husband's voice again has prompted London Underground to restore a 40-year-old recording of the subway's famous "mind the gap" announcement.

    The subway system — better known as the Tube — said it has tracked down the voice recording by Oswald Lawrence after his widow, Margaret McCollum,iphone4s ケース シリコン Suzuki DF, wrote to ask for a copy of it when she noticed it was not broadcast in the system anymore.

    McCollum said she used to frequently visit Embankment station to hear her husband's voice,グッチ 時計, but was disappointed when it wasn't there last year.

    Nigel Holness, director of London Underground,グッチ 店舗, said its staff has been so moved by McCollum's story that they dug up the recording and gave the widow a copy of the announcement on a CD for her to keep. Tube staff is also working to restore the announcement at the station, he added.

    McCollum said Sunday she has been overwhelmed by the media attention to her story.

    "I had no idea this was going to happen — I'm very touched by all the interest in it," she said.

    The Tube's automated "mind the gap" messages, voiced by various actors, have accompanied countless London commuter journeys since the 1960s. Train drivers and staff made the warnings themselves before that.

    London's subway,フェンディ ポーチ, the world's first underground railway network, was begun in 1863. It is celebrating its 150th anniversary this year.